Teknologg Cloud Service

Teknologg provides cloud service for monitoring and controlling of IOT devices. using Smartlogg App (available for IOS & Android) and Teknologg IOT Devices you can access your data from anywhere anytime.

Cloud accounts is classified in three plan according to customer’s requirements. also Teknologg offers solutions to enterprise users to run Teknologg cloud service on their own servers. for more information on this option please contact us 

 Plan APlan BPlan C
Account TypeFreePaidPaid
Device Numbers
Number of Users Per Device31020
Normal Data Intervals5 Minutes1 MinuteNo Limit
Data Validity Days90180365
Alarm TypesPush NotificationPush Notification
Push Notification
Alarm Data Intervals 60 MinutesUser SelectableUser Selectable

Account Type:

free account is active for all users by default.

for paid  accounts please contact us.

Number of Users Per Device:

The Owner of the device adds an IOT device using device Serial Number in own account.
The Owner can create access to other users to view device data. The number of users , is specified by this value.

Normal Data Intervals:

Each IOT device can send data to server in the specified time intervals when device is in Normal Condition. for alarm conditions, the first alarm occurrence in any parameter, will be receive on the server immediately and notification will send to the user.

Data Validity Days:

This is the time period which  data kept on Teknologg Servers. a copy of backup data will be send  to user email address before removal.

Alarm Data Intervals:

once a parameter value exceeds normal range alarm will send to user, the next new alarm message in this parameter can be send to user only if this parameter came back to normal range and stay in normal condition for a time defined by ‘Alarm Data Intervals’

This is for preventing  repetitive alarm messages in the case that parameter value fluctuates and is not stabilized

for more information or other requirements which not listed above please contact us.