Hospital Environmental Monitoring

Environmental conditions in hospitals especially on operating rooms have important effect on health of patients &  improper behavior of the operating staff.

Relative humidity must be controlled in operating rooms and sterile rooms to mitigate the growth of microorganisms, prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD), and ensure ideal working conditions for personnel. Humidity can affect sterile supplies and electro-medical devices in operating rooms.

Humidity values beyond 60% increase the risk of infection  also modern surgery can include robotics and other devices that can be negatively affected by electrostatic discharge if the relative humidity goes below 30%. 

Related Products

Teknologg offers variety of solutions for  environmental monitoring. By choosing required parameters to control and using Teknologg products no matter where you are, we offer remote access from anywhere in the world, across multiple platforms including PC, tablet, and mobile. Also if you don`t need remote control you can choose to use our other type data loggers to simply record and monitor data.

Air Pressure Data Logger

Sense & Record Series

Air Pressure/Temperature/Humidity

TL130 Temperature & Humidity DataLogger

Sense & Record Series

Temperature/Humidity Data Loggers